Personal Finance

Hundreds of unemployed Kentucky residents wait in long lines outside the Kentucky Career Center for help with their unemployment claims on June 19, 2020 in Frankfort, Kentucky. While the economic recovery has brought back jobs since the lowest point of the Covid-19 crisis, millions of Americans remain unemployed. John Sommers II The U.S. is weeks
Charday Penn | E+ | Getty Images Small business owners with battered finances might be in line for additional funding from the Paycheck Protection Program. On Wednesday, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle circulated a summary of their $908 billion emergency Covid relief package. The proposal sets aside $300 billion for the Small Business
Image Source | DigitalVision | Getty Images As Capitol Hill lawmakers continue to work on the next round of coronavirus relief, a big question remains: Will there be a second round of $1,200 stimulus checks? Based on one new plan, lawmakers for and against those checks could split the difference and send $600 one-time payments
Twitter CEO and Co Founder, Jack Dorsey addresses students at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), on November 12, 2018 in New Delhi, India. Amal KS | Hindustan Times | Getty Images The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted some advocates to call for providing Americans with guaranteed monthly income to help them get back on their
Halfpoint Images | Moment | Getty Images Millions of people who were eligible for $1,200 stimulus checks still may not have received their money. Now, the Government Accountability Office and a few Democratic members of Congress are calling for the IRS and Treasury Department to step up their efforts to get the relief to those
US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos attends the “Getting America’s Children Safely Back to School” event in the State Room of the white House in Washington, DC, on August 12, 2020. NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced on Friday that the payment pause and interest waiver for student
A significant percentage of corporate chief financial officers are making 2021 spending and hiring plans around vaccine optimism, but the current case surge in the U.S. and Europe is making a dent in confidence. Robyn Beck | AFP | Getty Images Millions of Americans are still hoping for a second round of stimulus checks to
A display is seen as bipartisan members of the Senate and House gather to announce a framework for fresh coronavirus disease (COVID-19) relief legislation at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., December 1, 2020. Kevin Lemarque | Reuters Washington lawmakers introduced a new $908 billion coronavirus stimulus package on Tuesday that aims
andresr | E+ | Getty Images You don’t have much time left to give your Medicare coverage a yearly checkup and make changes for 2021. The program’s annual enrollment period ends Dec. 7. If you take no action, you’ll automatically remain enrolled in your current plan. However, if you pass on the opportunity to see
More than 40 million Americans have student loan debt, and outstanding student loans nationwide total more than $1.5 trillion. Soon, the government’s pause on federal student loan payments will expire, leaving millions of borrowers grappling with how they’ll pay what they owe in 2021. But Brandon Leake, a 28-year-old husband and father, figured out a
Demonstrators display signs calling for an end to evictions and foreclosures during a rally at Boston Housing Court outside the Edward W. Brooke Courthouse on Oct. 29, 2020. David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images Expiring state eviction bans have led to hundreds of thousands of additional coronavirus cases, new research finds, raising alarm
Lisa Lickers, her husband and their blended family before the arrival of their baby. Source: Lisa Lickers Navigating the terrain of a blended family’s financial life is tricky enough in normal times. Add a pandemic into the mix, and things can get downright exhausting. “Stressful financial situations bring to the surface underlying family dynamics,” said